Following the trend of future scientific and industrial development, School of Future Technology focuses on the demand for talents in revolutionary and disruptive technologies, and develops leading talents, who are expected to lead future development, with great virtue, patriotism, problem-solving capabilities, international exposure and foresight, byleveraging the resource of HIT as China’s No.1 Aerospace Institution.
School of Future Technology upholds to develop interdisciplinary subjects and actively breaks down traditional barriers among specialized disciplines. To achieve that, the cross-college collaboration, integration of major disciplines, and industry-education integration and science-education integration are strengthened to facilitate the convergence between science and engineering, interdisciplinary collaborations within engineering disciplines, the intersection of engineering and liberal arts, and the integration of medical and engineering disciplines. By combining the distinctive and innovative education paradigm of HIT, it comprehensively benchmarks against world-class standards and focuses on the cultivation of students’ engineering mindset, scientific thinking, and human-centered perspectives, with diverse training models such as project-based systems, tutorial systems and academic credit systems.
School of Future Technology stays true to the new philosophy of immersive education in time and space, explores the new management model of Wentian College, conducts the construction of a one-stop student community, and implements a new approach for holistic education. By harnessing the spatial and resource strengths of the college, it effectively integrates the goal of cultivating talents who have great virtues and leadership qualities with the construction of a first-class institution and first-class disciplines with outstanding faculty and research capabilities. These efforts aim to establish the Wentian College as the main battlefield for the “second class.”
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